Monday, January 3, 2011

Goodbye 2010, Hello 2011!

How was 2010? If I will be asked, well, I have no idea how it was for me. Honestly, I don’t know how to answer such a question, I don’t know if I become better or worse, I just live with it and enjoyed every moments of 2010.
Now I was thinking what made my 2010 extraordinary or incomparable with my other years of existence. Well, this is a bit difficult, I turned 18 this year, though I did not have that kind of party where I have to have 18 roses and all that, it was still something that I will remember because this is the age when you are allowed and are legal to do so many things. Let's see how things went for me.

Hello Christmas! at UPLB

A giant Christmas tree, a two-floor wooden belen, and a statue of Santa Claus in his sleigh and its reindeers, all these in ONE park--the UPLB C-park.

A giant white Christmas tree was located beside the administration building. It was a huge one and I bet is better than 2009’s Christmas tree. With all the lights and shining and shimmering coating of the tree, all eyes are also shining in amazement. There are also houses on both side of the tree, I remembered calling them as “ginger houses” when we took a picture with it because they really look like a ginger house.

Last year’s belen was just a simple one, like any other belen, but 2010’s belen is way more intricate due to the second floor of the belen and the “costumes” of each character. This was the one decor that welcomes people when they enter the campus since it was located at the C-park, to the right of the Christmas tree (if you are facing the Christmas tree).

The center of attraction, I bet, was the Santa Claus decor in his sleigh and his reindeers. It was the most beautiful of all the decors in that park. The lights will really catch your sight if you pass by the park and the way it was put up was really great, I mean, who could have imagined that such decor can be seen in a campus? I also remembered my friends making fun of me, they told me that I should see the decor and look for Rudolph, the reindeer with the red nose, and then I ask them “How on earth will I see Rudolph? They are all the same!”  I even get irritated by them because I thought that they were really making fun of me, but I was wrong. When I looked at the decor closely, i was astounded by the reindeer with the red nose (hahah!).

Too bad there is always someone looking and guarding the decors, and people are already restricted to go near them. In the end, C-park tends to be Christmas park instead of carabao park. Who would have thought that UPLB will be able to put up such decors and will be able to make people feel the Christmas season? Because I did not have any thought of it. I thought that the university does not put too much efforts to such things, but I was wrong. I felt that Christmas was just around the corner whenever I walk by the c-park.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Torn between two OSes? Well, let us find out how the two differ from each other, and let your minds do the judging. 
First thing that maybe most of us look at whenever we are buying something is if it is easy to use and will not eat majority of our time learning how to use it. I may spoil this a bit but since I am used to windows and had used Ubuntu for the first time, it's like ubuntu brought me into another world. I'm like "Oh! I can't find this and that. How the hell am I going to use this?!" and so on. I find it really hard to use and navigate in Ubuntu, well as I said maybe it is because I'm not used to it. So, for this round Windows have it. 

According to the, windows has over a hundred thousand of identified viruses as of the moment which is about 1000 times greater than the amount of identified viruses in Ubuntu/Linux. Ubuntu/Linux has only less than a hundred of viruses, maybe it is for the reason that Ubuntu/Linux uses smart authorization management which means that it is password-protected when it comes to the actions that you will do which might cause harm to your computer. 

Physical appearance of a person greatly affects how other people look at you and your whole personality. The same principle applies when it comes to choosing a program or an operating system for your desktop, or maybe for your notebook. Windows has this graphics which attract most of computer geeks. On how things are arranged in the desktop, on how the colors please your eyes, and on how organized and accessible the programs or applications are. Windows has this physical appearnce that will make you wow. 
Nothing is free nowadays, they say. Everything has to be purchased with money, but not when it comes to the OS that you are going to use with your desktop or laptop. Windows program comes in a cd that needs to be installed and costs a lot of money while the Ubuntu is free of charge and can be downloaded in the internet without having to pay for anything.
If you are still using that desktop made in 19forgottenyears, you need not to worry. Ubuntu/Linux offers you a solution. It comes in a "pocket-size" memory and does not need huge space or memory to operate. Windows require 512MB RAM and a 800MHz processor while the Ubuntu/Linux only requires 64MB RAM and a 300MHz processor, or maybe even less so your charcoal-operated desktop is not a big deal if you will use Ubuntu/Linux.
Ubuntu/Linux wins over the Windows. After all the mentioned factors or reasons, Ubuntu has a score of 3 while Windows has 2. Now, it is time for you to judge and decide if which one is better. :) 


Sunday, November 21, 2010


(especially during the first few weeks of the semester)

10. Proper hygiene. Don’t go to class smelling like hell or alcohol or smoke. I mean, you’re meeting new faces that you’ll be dealing with for the whole semester and you don’t want to scare them away. Try going to the bathroom and smell if you still look, or at least smell, like a normal person.

9. A pair of pants that is properly worn, with fastened zippers.
8. Untagged clothing. Since it’s the start of the semester, some might have decided to buy new clothing. Well, there’s nothing wrong with buying new clothes but you might want to check if you have cut the tag price of your clothes, or maybe if you have removed the sticker saying “DO NOT IRON”.

7. Phones turned off, or at least in silent mode. It’s quite embarrassing when you enter your classroom and suddenly you’re phone rings. That’s a grand entrance and you don’t want any attention and all eyes on you especially if it’s a large class. You don’t want everyone in the room to remember you as “the girl/boy with the grand entrance” unless, you’re a person who wants attention from everybody.

6. Clock or alarm clock that is working. Or in most cases, the right time registered on your cellphone. First impression lasts, they say, so you might not want to be late for your class and have that impression from your teacher or classmates that you are a tardy student. You might want to at least have a good first impression from them.

5. The right schedule. I mean your own schedule and not your girlfriend’s or your boyfriend’s schedule and take note, the right schedule for the right semester. You don’t want to miss a subject for the first meeting right? So go check if you’ve printed and brought the right one.

4. Validated identification card (I.D). Though, this is not only important during the first few weeks of class but during exams, especially if you have STAT 1 written on your form 5. When I was taking STAT 1, I have this classmate and it was already his 2nd take of the subject, he forgot to have his ID validated. Fortunately, he passed the preliminary exam but his luck was not enough because he got a deduction of 5 points because of his invalid ID, making his score, if I was not mistaken, 58 which is already failing.

3. The right form 5 and the right class card. You might want to double check if you have the right registration materials before presenting them to the professor/instructor. We don’t want our teachers feeling dizzy looking for the subject because we don’t want those angelic faces turn to terrifying faces, because terrifying faces=pop quiz.

2. The right pair of slippers. Same color, same size, and same design. I had once seen a student; we rode on the same jeepney I just don’t know if we were on the same class. Anyways, she’s wearing two different slippers and she only knew that when she was already about her destination.

1. The right room and the right class. Never ever forget to have these, you don’t want students laughing and eyeing at you during your first class. I know a few of my friends who have made this mistake (ha ha!), and they only noticed that they were on the wrong class when it was almost dismissal time. And take note, this has not only happened to students but also to some teachers.